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The Emergency Aid Network

The program helps people in need, congregations and other agencies avoid duplicate efforts by centralizing services at ARC which include:

The Emergency Aid Network provides an emergency grant to individuals or families in the greater Danbury area experiencing an emergency ~ perhaps a paycheck had to go to medical bill, or there was loss of bread-winner, or employment was interrupted.

Grants are for basic necessities specifically: utility assistance, car repair for transportation to work or uniforms/work boots for work.

Checks are generally available within 30 minutes, to meet the need for emergency assistance.

   All applicants should contact Jen Moles, 203-792-9450 ext. 104 to set up    an appointment.

What To Bring

Utilities: bring your ID and a copy of your bill showing you have a delinquency. You must also provide a billing and payment history for 12 months. This report is available from your supplier.

Please contact your local Operation Fuel or energy assistance programs prior to contacting ARC.

Employment Expenses: To assist with purchasing uniforms for work or help with car repair for work, a price quote for the clothing or the repair is required.

The Association of Religious Communities (ARC), 24 Delay St., Danbury, CT 06810   203-792-9450

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